
What is the Definition of Ascription?


Ascription is a term from adscriptĭo, a Latin word. The concept refers to the act and the result of ascribing (making an inscription, adding something, incorporating someone to an entity).

For example: “The affiliations to this religion do not stop falling year by year”, “With the affiliation of our company to the Federation of Local Industries, we can access subsidies and tax benefits”, “In our newspaper we do not look at the political affiliation of journalists ”.

The idea of ascription is usually used in relation to the incorporation of something or someone to some registry or group. Take the case of a town that belongs to a certain province. By decision of the national government, taking into account various historical, economic and social reasons, the administrative affiliation of said town is modified, which becomes part of a different province. In this way, the town in question no longer belongs to the province to which it was formerly attached.

The ascription may also be the militancy of a person in a political party or in another social movement. A young man attached to the Communist Party opposes capitalism, wants to abolish the right to private property and defends the postulates of Karl Marx. His affiliation to communism can also lead him to participate in events where he meets with other subjects who share his ideas and to carry out proselytizing acts in favor of the candidates of the Communist Party.

In the case of religion, it is very common to speak of people attached to a certain belief, and this implies, as occurs with social movements and political parties, a much greater bond than mere sympathy for its principles. Ascription to a religion carries a certain degree of commitment and action, to keep its structure alive and to get more people to join its community. As mentioned in one of the examples, for various reasons, the enrollment of young people in some religions is less and less.

If we delve a little deeper into the DEFINITION OF the verb to ascribe, we can distinguish the following two meanings: “make something appear among everything corresponding to a person or an object”, “make the assignment of a person to a destination or service in particular”.

It should be noted that the ascribe participle can be both ascribed and ascribed, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. On the other hand, it is not a word widely used in everyday speech, at least outside certain fields, such as politics or religion.

In the business and administrative world, the term assignment can refer to the assignment of a person who is in full work activity to a different job on a temporary basis, provided that this change is considered urgent and urgent.

In order to carry out this temporary or provisional assignment to jobs, it is necessary to meet certain requirements, among which are the following:

* the position desired by the worker must be vacant, either from the moment in which he makes the request or that the availability arises later for different reasons;

* the employer in charge of the position in question must prepare a report stating that there is such a position and that it is necessary to fill it, in addition to mentioning the request for assignment of the interested employee;

* In the workplace of origin, the boss must also write a report as a recommendation of his employee, although he is not obliged to allow his transfer.
